CPM Inventory is one of the leading call providers for Pest control / removal inbound calls, generating via Adwords and Facebook traffic. However Our demand is always more than our supply as we keep adding new Clients on our board so we keep adding more publishers for the same as well.
So its an open invitation on both sides, the client’s and publishers..
We are generating calls for Pest control includes – Termite, Bed bug removal, rats and insects removal, etc. We also run wildlife / Animal removal calls separately.

Country : United States, Nationwide ( We can target any geo’s based on requirement )
Volumes / CC : Open
Payment frequency : Weekly
Methods : Inbound calls only
Sources of traffic we accepts or generates in-house : Adwords / Facebook / Bing / Email marketing
For getting started, Skype @ popundermedia
or email at anurag@cpminventory.com