Keyword Targeting
These ads suits more to the advertisers who are looking for the performance based ads since it allows you to connect the users based on the words or phases they have recently searched for.
CPM INVENTORY can help you setting up Keyword targeted Campaign for better results. You can either use your own Keyword List or our team can assist you in that.
We can help you with such campaigns on both CPM and CPC models.
Traffic available in all Geo’s.
Channel Targeting
Channel targeting here refers to the categories or the verticals we run. Campaigns we run are divided into different categories like health, finance, adult, games, etc.
Running on Channel targeting also helps you to avoid traffic from UN-necessary verticals. For eg. For a finance based campaign, you can target only Money and finance channels and can avoid traffic from health, games and others.
Cpm Inventory provides you traffic for 20+ categories for you campaigns. You can check the list below –
For getting started, feel free to buzz us on Skype or email.
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skype : popundermedia